Nope. Not dead.

That's right, chumps. I'm back. You'll have to ex-squeeze my absence as I have been out in real life and engaging in other forms of nerdiness, namely Mass Effect. But inbetween murdering the bajezus out of some geth, I managed to paint some more dudes and finish my FW World Eaters Dreadnought. 

Time stealin' Sentient AI bastards.

Anywho, Pictures, ahoy!

Hooray! Done and done.

Size comparison: "I got dis, boyz."

Next up, we have some good ol' bunny eared Berzerkers. Gotta love goofy old models.

 Group Shot

He's Serious Business.

Okay, folks I know there's only five of you guys following me, but a little feed back every once and awhile wouldn't Kill youse. Sheesh. Until next time, The Weed of Crime Bears Bitter Fruit, Crime Does Not Pay!