So it’s finally happened, the heavy hitters of the wargaming community are finally moving into Kickstarter as a way to fund new projects rather than invest profits – as if they didn’t make enough to begin with.

Privateer Press has put up the Warmachine Tactics kickstarter, seeking the modest sum of $550,000 to create a video game version of the much played (and much maligned on this site) game. They’ve already smashed through $438,000 with 29 days to go so obviously it’ll get funded by the loyal, and no doubt sticky panted, fan base.

So far it looks average. Graphically it’s okay but it’s nothing exciting. It’s basically just an animated version of the tabletop game in so much as although  the characters move and the weapons fire, it feels like stop frame animation of action figures and there’s no real interaction with the environment. Granted there’s some nice animations when people get blown up but the world around them is unaffected so it just feels a bit put on. It is still in development but at present it all looks a bit clunky and horrid, but I guess we’ll just have to wait and see…

I could rant about how this isn’t what Kickstarter should be for but if Kickstarter themselves don’t give a fuck then what’s the point?

Anyway, here’s the Kickstarter video. It’s got more ham than a tin of Spam but stick with it as it does show quite a bit of the game play.