I was not willing to pay the price GW has planned to put as a tag on the Riptide so I converted a Bandai Gundum model until it fitted my expectations.
I also took some pictures before painting it but I have yet to find them. :p

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion

XV104 Riptide conversion