Three of the dwarves from the Escape from Goblin Town box set painted up for a client.  I was pleasantly surprised by the high quality of these plastic sculpts.  Lots of detail to pick out - good fun.
Dwalins tattoos on the other hand ...well lets just say they drove me insane lol.

Hope you guys like them and please feel free to leave a comment.

Dwalin current CoolMiniOrNot Rating

I was considering uploading maybe one of these guys to my gallery on CoolMiniOrNot but couldn't decide which to upload.  I was thinking maybe Dwalin, what do you guys think?  I'm still trying to get my CMON rank into the top 1000.  Its currently 1045 so i'm getting closer.  To all those who have voted and helped to get me there a big thanks.  I was buzzing to get an email from CoolMiniOrNot requesting high resolution pictures of 3 of my painted models for inclusion in the 2012 CMON Annual - really honoured.

EDIT: Thanks to the fantastic members at The One Ring site Dwalin is now on Cool Mini Or Not.
Click Here to register a vote.  Thanks for the continued support.