With 45 days left to get ready for NOVA, things are slowly progressing.  I set aside this weekend to get the remaining Riptide done. That didn't happen.  My Friday and Saturday were taken up by in-laws but I managed to get a surprising amount of work done.

The door on the right I started to paint by hand but then I thought, "Ain't nobody got time fo that!"  I started to tape off the white sections with Tamaya tape and prepared the airbrush

Much better.  Turned out good for a first try.

I did the same thing with the two Skyrays.  A little over spray and a bothed repair means I will need to fix and issue tonight but I am very happy with the results.  Luckily, I need to use my repair colors on other parts of the same model.

Lastly, I started a little work on the Ethereal.

Just started dropping the base colors on him.  Robes will be white and red but it is coming along.

I am going to try to get a game with my new list this week and might beg the wife to let me out this weekend for one.  Progress!