The weather outside is beautiful and time is fleeting... :)
But I still got some hobby time.
First I used my Secret Weapon, the .25mm Plastic Card to do the ammo drum

While the first section cured, I started detailing the sights box.

As these little pieces set, I started to wrap the plastic card around the ammo drum housing.

I also used the .25mm card for this little sight.

glued in place it looks rather cool.


With rivets and details the sights box looks nice, but it is quite considerably slimmer than the original.

The next item on my agenda was the ventilation grill on the rear of the gun mount.
For this I cut some strips of (you guessed it!) .25mm card...

And carefully glued them on top of each other, slightly overlapping.


Its quite a task to keep them aligned and spaced properly.


But with the little frame around it, it looks great :)

Some more details on the gun top,


and I was able to glue the gun to the central axle.


Nice :)

Due to my unique, unrivaled and superior calculation skills, I was able to....

...create a rather thin and flimsy ammo drum! :(
Crap on toast.

I don't know what I calculated, but the drum is a good 1cm to small.
So I ripped the plastic card back off.

The mistake was that I used 1cm wide spacers instead of 1.5cm wide one. Somehow I calculated with the sections I'd need 3 spacers...
Haha, I only have 2 spacers.

So you see - I AM NOT SANTA :)

Well, I hope I can wrap this NEMESIS CIWS up by the end of the week.