By Spaguatyrine
So for years now I have read and heard about how broken Space Marines are and how GW..
Loves the mighty space marine and how Xenos never have a chance. Well in my humble and often correct ;) opinion, The top 4 competitive armies are ALL XENOS!!
In no particular order I believe these 4 codices are:
Where does this opinion come from? I look at how the Grand Tournaments, local RTT's, and where the meta is shifting to. Now obviously with Allies there other races involved in this presumption. But I believe tournaments speak for themselves.
Adepticon: Necrons
Bugeater: Tyranids
BAO: Daemons
The Indy Open: Necrons
Killedelphia: Tau
Tippcon: Necrons
2nd or 3rd or 4th place
Broadside Bash: Tau 2nd
Colonial GT: Necrons 3rd
Adepticon Championships: Necron 3rd, and 4th
Adepticon GT: Necron tied for 2nd
The Indy Open: Necron 2nd and 4th
There are also a lot of Chaos Daemons in the top tiers at these events and even though they are not Xenos per se they are not Space Marines.
These are the past. Where is the future taking us. With my friends I speak with on the east coast which is what I believe to be ahead of the meta by a good 2 months. Eldar/Wave Serpent spam is the next necron/annihilation barge craze. They are tremendously good and better than annihilation barges!
Where are the whiners now? The ones that constantly complained about how Xenos never get a chance? Well Xenos players now is your chance! Take advantage of the power that has been afforded you by GW.....
That is until the new space marine codex comes out..... hahahah. But seriously I am very excited to see how GW is putting out updates and maybe, just maybe someone has heard or come up with a marketing strategy and game schedule that will drive more people into different armies and bring more people into the game or back to the game. Either way, the time of the Xenos is here! Rejoice while the space marine players put their supermen away for half a year. I did it. Do I feel bad, not really, but I am still trying different combinations and am having a blast doing it. I played Orcs as allies for the first time at Tippcon and loved them. I said I would never play orcs. I played Chaos Space Marines as allies and said I would never play them either. It has been a fun experience for me.
How about you?
What Xenos are you going to rock?
Have you tried anything you never thought you would?
The 4 top 40k armies are all Xenos! Where are all the whiners now?
by spaguatyrine | Jul 17, 2013