Third time this week.  A little bit of time at the table is better than none.  I'm still kicking myself about last night.

Finally line highlight of Adeptus Battlegrey for every model.

This is a walk-through for my long time buddy Lane.  Give him a close up pic for future IG.  Best of luck, fellow mover.

Before Leadbelcher hightlight.
All metallic equipment received a highlight after the Army Painter Dark Tone wash.  After Leadbelcher highlight.

Seriously, sergeants get the best gear.  I'm terribly looking forward to my IG army.  Barrel of Plasma Pistol Flash Gitz Yellow.

Sergeants get all the best gear.  An AP close combat weapon, Plasma Pistol (like that 5+ will save them) and a Melta bomb at WS 3.  Great use of points.

Plasma Pistol coil highlighted Ice Blue.

I should be done with this squad.  Need to get my act in order.  Next weeks a new week.

slainte mhath