Finally line highlight of Adeptus Battlegrey for every model. |
This is a walk-through for my long time buddy Lane. Give him a close up pic for future IG. Best of luck, fellow mover. |
Before Leadbelcher hightlight. |
All metallic equipment received a highlight after the Army Painter Dark Tone wash. After Leadbelcher highlight. |
Seriously, sergeants get the best gear. I'm terribly looking forward to my IG army. Barrel of Plasma Pistol Flash Gitz Yellow. |
Sergeants get all the best gear. An AP close combat weapon, Plasma Pistol (like that 5+ will save them) and a Melta bomb at WS 3. Great use of points. |
Plasma Pistol coil highlighted Ice Blue. |
I should be done with this squad. Need to get my act in order. Next weeks a new week.
slainte mhath