Last night I was thinking back through my gaming career and realized something - every game involving 2+ players I've ever enjoyed was started by someone. I started D&D with my wife and friends, my buddy Brian got me in to Magic, my friend Luke invited me to his gaming group (which was experiencing Warmachine fever)... never have I had an activity that I just stumbled in to. Either I or someone else had to research, promote, convince, and then take charge of any game we've ever enjoyed.
These people deserve to be thanked. Our group recently became a strong Magic & Warmachine group, two games that were starting to wane. It took someone saying "Hey, let's play some Magic next week" and almost everyone jumped on board. There was no fanfare, and it didn't take much, but up to that point no one had really taken the initiative to get the group involved.
Without these instigators, many great games would be missed. I'm especially envious of board game groups because they always have new stuff to try. With dedicated gaming groups it's a bit harder, but those who start the games also have quite the uphill battle. Getting involved in Magic, Warmachine, Warhammer, etc. requires both a monetary and mental investment. Convincing a room of 4 or 5 people that they should each put $50-100 in to a game they've never played is a daunting task.
These are also the people that have to know enough about a game they've never played so that they can answer any questions that may come up. As our group's Warmachine rules lawyer, it was hard enough for me to learn even when I had people I could ask about rules I didn't understand. When I started our group on D&D, I was responsible for knowing all but the most advanced rules just so I could quickly answer questions and keep the game moving.
So if you've ever instigated a game in your group, whether starting something brand new, rekindling a game that was all but dead, or even starting a league or tournament to keep the game fresh - thank you. You are the one who keeps the group focused - you may even be the reason they keep getting together every week. You help us geeks find a way to relax when the rest of life is stressful, and you are appreciated.
See you tomorrow!
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