Evening guys and girls,

Its been quiet in here of late though I do have reasons 2 6 day weeks at work followed by a week away in Scotland visiting family and friends. Thus work on anything hobby related has slowed to a crawl.

I do however have a quick update to stop rictus from hassling me :-P I've recently started working on a few red corsair bits, mainly so as I have time to try and get them painted before my next meet up with rictus and nife.

So finding I still had my DV chosen left, I searched for a use for them, given they don't fit in with the style I have done for the regular corsair squads. I settled on converting them to plague marines who are fighting under hurons banner:

The heavily warped nature of the chosen really aides in the conversion, plus given I intend them to be death guard they actually look 10,000 years old.

I'm planning on doing a squad of 7 of these guys which should prove useful in games of zone mortallis.

Well thats it for now, will hopefully have gotten a bit more done over the weekend.