Or they should be. With 6th edition's new ruling that one cannot assault out of a transport without them, they have become required kit for vehicles that are not open-topped and wish to deliver melee troops into a fight. But rather stingily, these simple slabs of metal are largely limited to Land Raiders and Stormravens. Or are they?

Because that rear door on a Rhino looks suspiciously like a ramp to me. So does the ramp on the Wave Serpent and the Chimera. And the Valkyrie.

Ok I totally get that the idea of an assault ramp is to be forward facing so you keep the momentum right into the enemies' faces. But if a ramp allows fast deployment, why not let soldiers assault out of these vehicles? They still have to run around the vehicle, so Land Raiders keep their premium, but at least assaults out of vehicles can work now.

I know Wave Serpents need little help, but Howling Banshees need all the help they can get. And mechanized Blood Angels? The current rise of the Xenos can almost single handedly be stemmed by simply better describing parts of the imperial vehicles that are already on the model. Sure Rhinos still get owned by hull points - but that's perhaps as it should be. But removing even the possibility of Blood Angels or Space Wolves or Grey Knights or Chaos Space Marines successfully assaulting out of Rhinos is just plain mean. Hell even Ogryns become a more interesting possibility!

So please GW - assault ramps for everyone from now on. You know it makes sense.

by Mephistoned