
I have lots of Games Day pictures to go through and post, but in the meantime I wanted to post the next installment of my Black Templar painting challenge progress. This month, I had a pair of Land Speeder Typhoons to work on, and I can gladly report that I finished them by month’s end. I actually had them effectively complete last week, but last night I decided to do a bit of touch-up on the edge highlighting. What I had was a bit too subtle, so some extra work with Dawnstone and a fine detail brush touched it up nicely. Black’s a hard color to get quite right when it comes to highlighting, and what is sometimes too strong on some models is too subtle on others. On these, though, I think it came out alright.


I had fun painting the engines on these as well. Originally, I had the inside of the exhaust vents as plain black, but after adding heat-weathering, I wanted to do something else. A quick layer of Mephiston Red, some Nuln Oil for a wash, and a bit of drybrushing with various shades of red and orange gave me a very simple but effective look. I’m glad I did; the rear of the craft would have been a bit bland otherwise.

Next month, I tackle the last vehicle in my challenge (although not the last Templar vehicle I have unpainted) – a Land Raider Crusader:


I have some ideas for embellishing the recesses on the front sides, so this should be fun. Also, the gunner and the assault cannons are both removable, so that should make painting the whole thing that much easier. I’m going to avoid some of the color choices I made on the Rhino/Razorback, though; white is not going to figure nearly as prominently on this vehicle as it did on that one. I think the front recesses will be about it, apart from any minor details. I’m even tempted to touch up the Rhino/Razorback and break up the white a bit, maybe black out the side doors and cupola, and even repaint the front part of the recesses (where it passes just under the headlights) black as well.

Finally, at Games Day I picked up something else to pad out my Black Templar collection:


Chaplain Grimaldus and his retinue. Finally, I’ll have a non-kitbashed Chaplain miniature! Not that I’m ashamed of mine, mind you. I just would like something a bit different and a bit more embelllished. Also, having some Cenobyte Servitors will be nice. Once again, I had good luck with Finecast; no bubbles or miscasts worth mentioning or that needed any fixing.

In the next couple of weeks, I’ll touch upon other things, like Games Day pictures or the Farsight Enclave supplement, so stick around!