I'm sitting here watching a game of Warmachine, and for some reason I started noticing the different ways people roll their dice.

For example, Thomas's roll could be nicknamed "Death from Above" because he basically starts with his palm-side near the table, then whips his hand upon the air and lets the dice fly. I get the name because when those bad boys hit the table, nothing is safe!

Josh, on the other hand, does more of a "Dagger Drop." He keeps his palm up and acts like he's going to just drop them like a normal person, then he stabs an invisible butterfly in the air and suddenly the dice are on the table. I suppose if he wore more leather we could call it "The Dominatrix Whip," but alas. 

My buddy Fritz had the most entertaining roll to watch. His "Rolling Thunder" makes him look like he's in Vegas as he puts his hand near the table and just flings them across the board. Keep in kind that this isn't a craps table - there may be 20 miniatures and a few pieces of terrain between him and where his dice could end up. That's a bit of an exaggeration since he rolls in large gaps on the table, but it's still interesting to see whether he will assassinate a model with one of his 5 million dice. This also inexplicably creates the largest amount of cocked dice I've ever seen. 

Me? I'm perpetually boring. I hate rerolling cocked dice and I hate retrieving them as they chaotically bounce off the table and around the room. Hence I've adopted the "Drop & Stop." I keep my hand low to the table, barely shake the dice, them gingerly let them roll out of my hand. If they roll more than twice I've failed. Somehow I STILL get cocked dice (grrrr), but at least I can't be accused of feeding dice to mice!

So tell me, how do you roll?

See you tomorrow!