We all know there is some truly evil races in 40k and some races that like to fight for, lets say 'The Greater Good' but I, and some of the other regulars at the club wondered who the real bad guys are in the 40k universe, so you might already have noticed or even contributed towards the poll that we put up asking the question 'Who Do You think Is The most Evil Race In the 40k universe?' And now our poll is conclusive with a total of 38 individual people voting for one or more army. The options were Chaos space Marines, Chaos Daemons, Dark Eldar, Orcs, Tyranids, Imperium, the Eldar and yes even the Tau.

So without further ado here are the results from the lowest number of votes to the highest.
With Two votes each there's  the Daemons, Orcs and the Eldar.
With three votes the Necrons.
With four The Chaos Space Marines.
With Eight shockingly the Tau.
With Eleven Its every bodies favourite the Imperium.
And the most evil on our list its the Dark Eldar with a massive thirteen votes.