This post specifically covers Cover Saves and their impact on a recent game.

JJ typing, as always giving credit where credit is due.  Thanks to Hulksmash for taking a few moments at FOYCON last year to confirm this information.  We were saying the same thing just using different words,  its a problem of mine.

Let's start with the rule in question from last Thurs game.

Area Terrain 40k6 pg 91

Area terrain is always difficult terrain.  Models in area terrain receive a 5+ cover save, regardless of whether or not they are 25% obscured.  Models that Go to Ground in area terrain receive +2 to their cover save, rather than +1.

Now for other cover save details:

Determining Cover Saves 40k6 pg 18

If, when you come to allocate a Wound, the target model's body (as defined on page 8) is at least 25% obscured from the point of view of at least one firer, Wounds allocated to that model receive a cover save.

Types of Cover Saves 40k6 pg 18

The type of cover save a model receives depends on exactly what he is sheltering behind.  For example, a soft obstacle (like a bloodthorn hedge) that would hide soldiers behind it, but it would not even slow down enemy shots, confers a 6+ cover save.  Purpose-built fortifications confer a 3+ cover save and most other things confer a 4+ or 5+ cover save.

Vehicles and Cover - Obscured Targets, second bullet point 40k6 pg 75

Vehicles are not obscured simply for being inside area terrain.  The 25% rule given above takes precedence.

Context: This is a rule Shawn wanted me to put up when I looked it up after our game.  I ran this rule incorrectly.  Should've taken the time to look it up during the game.  Psyflemen was in area terrain and was being shot at by Shining Spear Exarch.  I was under the mistaken impression that Psyflemen gets a 5+ cover save because it was in area terrain.  Shawn questioned it.  Should've listened to him and looked it up.  Because Psyflemen is a vehicle I shouldn't have taken 5+ cover save.  grrrr, memory you've bested me again!

There's a contest/raffle to win a free high quality painted model.  Visit Link: Silver Gargoyle Productions Free Painted Model Giveaway for your chance to win.

slainte mhath