Today's post is a a bit different to norm. I was lucky enough to team up a Harlequin troupe known as Google, whilst I was searching the webway for Eldar inspiration. And they led me to the dark vaults of the Black Library and are allowing me to share what I found. Now all these pics are used without permission, but as they are on google who cares? So here is what I've found:


This is just a lovely model, a great simple conversion with a stunning finish. Now the parts used and the quality makes me think it's used as an autarch, let the weapon combo scream Dire Avenger Exarch. Which do you think it is?

Going back a few years now for these guys. I think they appeared in 4th edition, as an example of a Kill-team. I like models as they really show how versatile the kits are with other and what can be achieved with a little imagination.

Wraith Constructs
Just find this creepy! I can imagine it stalking it's victim through a deserted city, somehow managing to stay hidden even though it a sizeable creature.

This is a conversion I would like to try out in the near future combining the legs of two Warwalkers and a Wraithlord to make a mini Bright Stallion. I would most likely drop the wraithsword and replace an arm with the brightlance to make it more like the original design.

 No idea if this is a Vyper with Bright Lance or a Fire Prism? But the shape is great, to me it says Eldar attack craft for Space battle and high orbit conflicts. I feel it's been based upon this Star Wars Tri-droid Fighter craft.

Well there you have it. Just a few pics of what I'm looking up on google. Coming soon some shop updates and info on what you can buy off my second hand shop. Once again thanks for stopping by.