I HAVE been painting as well!
After getting these done I realized just how much metal is on them. They are also a giant pain in the ass to line up. That's what I get for trying to refurbish old, used models. Still, it's another unit done for my Empire!
Come inside and see more
And in other news: I am getting knee surgery on Wednesday so will probably not be posting for a couple days. The rest of the slackers better. I get challenged to Noveldar? WHO IS POSTING!? ME! THAT'S WHO! Challenge... won!
Anyhow, I am not sure just how extensive it will be. I know I won't be traversing stairs so will move my painting upstairs to eat up time as I sit around forever and ever. That said, I have stuff to do as I am going to a 1500 point 40k tournament at the end of December, very likely taking my orks. I think I may paint up my grot tanks for it as Forgeworld is allowed.
I am gonna try and get a bit more posted before Wednesday. Let's hope!
Reiksguard Done!
by Wallshammer | Nov 19, 2012