A friend of mine lent me an airbrush to try out.  He let me know he was having trouble getting it working, but I figured I'd take a whack at it.  Unfortunately, I didn't have any luck either and rather than buy parts to repair it, I decided to buy a Grex XS from Blick.  With a 40% off coupon, what more could you want?

I still have a lot of experimentation to do with the airbrush.  Getting paints thinned correctly is much more art than science.  Liquitex Airbrush Medium seems to be working well, though so far, it's the only product I've tried thinning paints with.  Citadel paints need more thinning than The Army Painter Warpaints and both seem to cover quite well if thinned correctly and I'm patient in applying the coats.

The Imperial Fists Legion Master of Signals was primed white then airbrushed yellow.  The airbrush works quite well on miniatures and I'm looking forward to using it on future projects.

More to come,