So here is a quick shot of Alice straight from my work desk.

I had the opportunity to work on it over the weekend due to everyone out of the house.

This is about 8 hrs in so far.. which is quite long for me.. but after the events of GD Germany ( expect many references back to this over the coming weeks! ) and the inspiration that came with it I just dove hard into this project.

Biggest things on this is the blue dress so far. It has gotten to a level that I am happy with. Especially after getting all the feedback from the guys over at Brushbrothers once more!

Only part I am not happy with so far is the striped apron in the front. Need to fix that and her little bow on top of it. But the rest is coming together nicely finally.

So keep your eye on this topic as I work on it more throughout the week and hope I can get it finished before the contest finishes that it is meant for!