Just a quick aside from painting items for sale, my brother handed me an ancient Cessna model a while ago, stating that he didn't want it any more. With paint thicker than the plastic and lots of damage anyway, there was nothing for it but to attack it with knife, pliers and hammer to turn it into a wreck.

I don't really know what I'm going to do with this one, to be honest. The Islander/Defender was made from 1970 onwards, so it's useful as an objective or terrain in a Cold War or modern game, but apart from that, not much else.

It was sprayed black, then overpainted in the remains of a generic 'airline white' scheme, which contrasts nicely with the black burn marks.

Extra bits and broken off pieces were collected, then everything was glued to an MDF base. I then added sand, and strategically built it up to suggest skid marks.

The base was painted to match my normal basing system.