Second to last GD article.. I promise! I am sure most are getting sick of these articles.. and I say that considering that the views are not as heavy as they once were ;)

This article is just to show some of the better pieces that GW brought out with them. They had quite the hall full of armies both old and new ready to share with the crowd!

ORKS!!!! Loved this army as it has so many good pieces in it and well.. it is ORKS!!!!

A lot smaller than I thought it would be actually.. especially for an APOC piece..

And this is a lot BIGGER than I thought it would be.. dammmmn.. action figures say what???

This Dark Eldar army converted from Lizardmen was very well put together. More so considering that the Lizardmen just came out? Sometimes it pays to be on the GW side of things I guess!

Holy Great Swordsmen batman! Would hate to face that on the field!

Lovely painted tanks here.. fantastic stuff!

Who are you hoping will win? Imperium or Chaos? Both are great! Anyone want to donate a few hundred quid my way? I promise to paint it whatever colors you like so long as one of those colors is blue.. just saying..

Again.. not so impressed.. but nice studio paint job.

This single paint color scheme is making me want to buy this model. Must.. refrain.. from buying..

Studio Paint job.. also had a nice chat with Steve from the painting team. Gave me some hints on how to cut corners on painting high quality but in a timely fashion!

Normally this should be a 3 up version, but it is only 2 up. Since a 3 up would be bigger than most house dogs!

And to round things off some Forgeworld goodies. You can see the full album here on my Picasa folder here. 

Was quite impressed with some of them, but have to say that some were quite lackluster at best. I think only a hand full could have given the Armies on Parade entries a run for their money actually. Ah well, it is not like this is part of their job or anything.. or is it?

Hope you enjoyed it, and remember to check my other posts concerning Germany GD from this week: