Ukraths Tyraniden. Immer wieder ein Genuss...
Ukraths Tyraniden. Immer wieder ein Genuss...

Ukraths Tyraniden. Immer wieder ein Genuss…

Yeaiiiiihaa! Die neuen Tyraniden gucken langsam über den Tellerrand. Nach den aktuellen Informationen sollen sie der November Release nach den Space Marines im September sein (klar Macragge und so…). Was man bisher lesen kann, treibt einem das Wasser in die Augen. Aber da das jedes Mal so ist, bleiben wir alle natürlich völlig abgeklärt und freuen uns vielleicht nur ein kleines bisschen, dass Tyraniden möglicherweise wieder rennen und angreifen dürfen…

Die ersten Gerüchte hier sind von 4chan und lesen sich aus meiner Sicht recht konsistent mit dem, was man so erwarten dürfte. An einigen Stellen wohl noch etwas übertrieben. Weiter unten findet ihr eine Zusammenfassung der Gerüchte bis gestern 4chan einschritt. Die Gerüchte von dort wiedersprechen teilweise diametral dem, was vorher gepostet wurde. Da muss nun wohl jeder selber wissen, was er gerne glauben möchte:

via 4chan

Army-wide notes
- No FOC and ally table changes
- Devastation and Adaptation are new power tables with 3 powers each + primaris.
- Primaris for Devastation = Warp Blast, Adaptation = Onslaught (similar to battle-focus)
- All Tyranid powers can be used with either one or two charges to increase the effect.
- Ravenous Advance: Units with this rule can run & assault in the same turn.
- The Ground Trembles: All MC cause d3 Hammer of Wrath hits.
- Red Terror, Deathleaper and Old One Eye are unique upgrades to their respective broods.

-Harpy/Erinye, plastic dual kit.
- Harpy is designed to kill infantry hordes/provide support via its special vector strike.
- Vector striking it can either use Spore Mine Cyst to create blasts along the path or Sonic Screech to halve initiative and cause a pinning test.

- Erinye is an AA variant in Elite, very different front torso/head piece with gribbly tentacles.
- Increased Swoop speed and its gimmick is grappling other flyers.
- Vector strike -> dice roll 4+ -> the enemy flyer is dragged directly behind where the Erinye ended its move, including a new facing.
- Both can buy broods of Gargoyles that can drop off in the movement phase when not vector striking.

-Zoanthrope (Doom)/Genethrope, plastic dual kit.
- Zoanthropes are ML1 psykers, have access to the Devastation, Telepathy, Telekinesis tables.
- Genethropes are similar, but have access to the Adaptation and Biomancy tables.
- New unique biomorphs. Increased Shadow in the Warp range, Deny the Witch boost aura, two others.

- Both types can upgrade up to ML2 but only ever get 1 power, each Elite choice is a unit of 1-3 that can contain mixded Zoan and Gene.

- Doom has access to all the above tables and comes with Essence Leech and 3 powers.
- Consumes a wound every time it uses a power (except for Leech), but can keep casting until a Perils roll or its down to 1 wound.

Mycetic Spore/Mycetic Hive Node, plastic dual kit
- Spore is a Dedicated Transport, notable changes are that SC can join and MC broods can all opt to get spores.

- Hive Nodes are bought by HQ models (1-3 choice for Tyrants, 1 for every other HQ), no transport capacity.
- Nodes provide Synapse and can be configured in one of many ways. Grants poison or shrouding to nearby units or terraforms (Dangerous Terrain) the surroundings.

- Old unused bimorphs in the box are options again.
- Base cost the same but upgrades are much, much cheaper overall but lots of “only buy 1 out of this list” kind of choices which greatly limits what a fex can have.
- Tusked gives HoW an AP value, Thornback increases the number of HoW hits.
- Enhanced Senses gives Night Fighting.
- Tail Scythe & Tail Mace each deliver a single hit to all models in BtB at Ini 1, with different stats.
- Living Battering Ram rule: Changed to allow the Carnifex to assault the contents of a building/transport on a 4+ if it was destroyed by its charge, rolled once for the brood.


via Faeit212

Tyranids, at least at current can ally with themselves essentially.
They have the standard:
2 HQ
6 Troops
3 Elites
3 Fast Attack
3 Heavy Support

And can take an optional

1 HQ
2 Troops (not minimum 1, up to 2, but instead MUST take 2 and then…)

And if they do, it unlocks
1 Elite
1 Fast Attack
1 Heavy Support.

Only an HQ from the core can be warlord.

Then the diversity comes into play.

Hive Fleets now have different rules (think chapter tactics). Your secondary brood can be from a different hive fleet. Not representing two fleets working together, just similar evolutionary strains.

There are also army wide FoC changes based on your Hive Tyrant. Wings give you the option to take Gargoyles as your compulsory troops (so max 2) for instance.  Bonded carapace let’s you take Carnifex’s as elites as well as heavy support (but can’t be more than a certain number of points, so they end up kinda baby).

They have some really cool adaptations for skyfire.

Warriors can be purchased as sergeant style upgrades for gaunts and gargoyles. They get the biomorphs of the brood and are not attached like wolf guard.

Tyrannofex will see a points decrease.

Pyrovore will see torrent.

Ranged biomorphs contribute to a model’s close combat.
Melée biomorphs enhance a model’s ranges attacks.
You take some biomorphs that affect both, like +1 str to both.
But having a gun makes melée better and having melée weapons improves your guns. There’s some new synergy there. Mostly for big bugs.

Psychic ability is a lot worse than what it is now, but it’d be difficult to explain and just upset people who don’t have the whole picture.

All of this is subject to change and about a month old.


© Hellhound, Ukrath

© Hellhound, Ukrath

via BolS

-Tyranids are after Space Marines
-Look for them before the end of the year

New Minis:
Tyranid Prime (finecast)

Harpy. Roughly size of the heldrake. Pretty much looks like the picture in prior codex.

Doom of Malantai (clamshell package)

Parasite of Mordrax (clamshell package)

Termagant sprues recut for more options (some chatter says Genestealers)

Mycetic Spore

New “Big Bug” kit (Because every army needs one!)

New Rules: 
Pyrovore gains Torrent and a steep points reduction.

Hiveguard gain Skyfire

Altered FOC to help counter the lack of Allies. 3 HQ, 4 Elite, 6 Troop, 4 Fast, 4Heavy. Purchasing the 3rd HQ choice unlocks the extra Elite, Fast, and Heavy slots.

Termagants – Gain Fleet. New 10 unit box. Includes options for Spike rifles and Strangleweb. Curled tails. No rippers on sprues.

“BIG BUG” – Larger than Tervigon sized HQ unit. Oval base, hunched over, but wider. Has 18” synapse. Psyker 4. Prime version: Grants FNP and Counter Attack to Nids in 12.” Stats like Tervigon, except 2A. SitW

Two new Tyranid psychic powers lists. One list is destructive powers, one is augmentive powers.

Tervigon – Upgrade options for Termagant spawns to give them full options, but they are quite pricy.

Tyrant Guard and Hive Guard -Dual-build plastic kit. 3 models. All options for either unit.

Lictors – small point increase, gain new “Surprise!” rule (all shots against Lictors the turn after they appear are snap shots). DeathLeaper now an upgrade character.

Latest Rumors
Carnifex – significant cost reduction

Harpy – big overhaul. New model/dual-combo kit, Flying Monstrous, Sonic Screech combines with Vector striking. Additional Spore Mine Cysts may be purchased as upgrades. Default Stranglethorn has new upgrade options.

New Flyer – Fast Attack choice, the alternative build for the Harpy kit.

Ymgarl Genestealers – Special arrival rule is shared with the Lictor, may now purchase standard Genestealer biomorph upgrades.

Hiveguard: new weapon upgrade option (available to a handful of units) that grants skyfire with an “enhanced ability” to ground FMCs.