The Final Fight Team Tournament is a yearly Beltway Gamer Tournament that has teams of two play two different game systems, 40k and WFB.  Each system is matched up and the scores are combined to move ahead.  The idea is great and really innovative.  The issue is we have a glut of 40k players and limited amount of WFB players. The TOs opened it up to teams of 40k/40k with the WFB players getting paired and the 40k getting paired.  The did the math and worked out that no one will play the same player in three rounds.

That brings me to where I am at today.  The tournament is Nov 4th and I managed to get a great Eldar player as a partner.  He happens to be the only great Eldar player I know that isn't home with a new born (Sorry, SincainN40k and Congrats).  The issue I had is I am on a fixed income.  My wife fixes my income and allows me to spend a fixed amount.  I didn't plan on making any purchases till after the new year.  I like to have a nice reserve of cash for emergencies (i.e. new video games) and I tapped that out.  I ordered Black Ops 2 and Halo 4.  Then GW dropped the new FAQ for Chaos and I needed to start buying zombies (I have about 100 Mantic Zombies/Ghouls/Corp minis shipping this week).  Then I decide to jump on this opportunity. Woe is me...

I know enough of my belly aching.  What am I looking at?

I really want to field two armies and see how they work.  The first is 210 zombies.  Not having enough zombies that is out.  The other is a biker list.  I don't have any bikes and my favorite place won't get them in for two weeks.  So what am I doing?  I am doing a modified zombie list.  I needed another Heldrake so I ordered that and a bunch of the other junk I need for painting and the lord for my biker army (Gotta prep).

I am going to try to test the list out this weekend but I need to work on models.

Started working on the body for the Drake.  I followed the GW how to paint Alpha Legion and I have to say that I hated adding the green wash until I started looking at it.  I plan on using it for the Maulerfiends.

Started working on the body for the Drake.  I followed the GW how to paint Alpha Legion and I have to say that I hated adding the green wash until I started looking at it.  I plan on using it for the Maulerfiends.

Here is one of the Maulerfiends.  I still need to add a mess of gold to him and I will probably hit it with the green wash.  The black and yellow hazard stripes turned out OK but the tape peeled some of the primer and paint away.  I plan on hitting those areas with silver and rust.

I started on the bases for the Fiends.  Need to add some red for the entrails, mount the models to them and then pour the blood.

More to follow.