Who likes free stuff? Of course you all like free stuff.. who wouldn't!

Well my good blogger buddy, Laughing Ferret, is giving away some stuff. Why? Who cares it is free stuff right?


We care cause this time it is due to him breaking a big milestone on his blog. 200,000 views! And he just passed 300 followers as well! That is worthy of a celebration, and so it is a good thing he is celebrating!

So what's the prize? What do we have to do to win? Where do we go for the loot?!?!?

Head on over to his blog, aptly named, Laughing FerretYou will see all the details of what is required in order to snag some of the loot. Though while over there.. have a look around the place. You will find a lot of Bloodbowl, Skirmish, alternative miniatures, and A-Z articles that might tickle your fancy.

Oh and if you go, become a follower or leave him a comment. Maybe even one that says that Old Mr. Lee here sent you ;)

And now I need to go and think up something for when I hit 100k views.. which after this months traffic might not be too far away! Let us see!