Apocalypse, da real one !
The Med Tour is first and foremost an opportunity for a small number of players to meet around a table and play a Warhammer 40.000 Apocalypse game.

But not the good old Gran'pa Apo where you come with all kind of armies and a bunch of allies to fill the 3k army list ! 

I'm talking about an apocalypse game for real players, where armies count 3k points without allies, with more Super Heavies that you've ever seen in your all life...

I'm talking about the Forge World Apocalypse, the real one.

No less than FOUR super heavies in this picture...
Saturday game :
  The good side : Ultramarines (Bamako) - Dark Angels (Aarghal) and Eldars (Patriarche)
  The Bad side : Bad Moons (Greg) - Thousand Sons (Alaric) and GI (Duncan)

We had a lot of Super Heavies :
  - One Tzeench Silver Tower (hand made)
  - Two Ruzz Bots (old Armorcast)
  - One Baneblade (Games Workshop kit)
  - One Shadowsword (Games Workshop kit)
  - Two Titan Knights (garage OOP series)

Half the bad ones army in front of me ? CHAAAAARGE !!!
The game was epic. Full of twists, situations reversals, apocalyptic explosions and setbacks. Imagine the devastating effects of the new big apocalyptic explosion when a titan explodes !  - 

One of the game's best time : I deepstriked with no less than 30 terminators, and Belial, on turn 2.

I love playing my terminators. In a 1500 pts game, I'm playing a squand counting 10 terminators every time I can.

For this week-end, I played :
  - Belial
  - 10 T with two heavy flammers*
  - 10 T with two assault canons
  - 10 Deathwing Knights
*including 4 lightning claws pairs and 3 Thunder Hammers.