Pressing onwards with the guard - one more heavy weapon emplacement complete, this time around it's one of my favorites, the Thudd Gun!

All in all it painted up really quickly. Basically followed the standard vehicle paint scheme - drybrushed shadow grey, then picked out various areas in yellow and red, and boltgun metal for the wheels and barrels. Easy peasy!

The crewmen were painted separately along with the crew for the Macharius Omega (pics to follow), and I went with a mix of cadian and catachan bits to give them a bit more rough-and-tumble look. I figure loading the weapon is hot and sweaty work, so they're down to their undershirts.

I also updated the painting chart to see what all is left to do. Not much, it turns out! Still need to finish up a 5-man platoon command squad, the Rapier, a couple turrets to allow me to field some Salamanders (using the alternate hydra tank chassis), the Baneblade and the Leviathan. I also added in the Fortifications that are lurking in the Closet of Doom. So far only the Skyshield landing pad is painted, but I do have one each of the other buildings/fortifications in various stages of painting. It all adds up to over 7500 points! Holy moly!