NOTE: This item is now for sale on eBay, if you're interested, go to this link:

Well Painted 28mm Napoleonic British Infantry

This means that I will not be taking offers from the blog for this item.

This is a 30-man battalion of Hundred Day's War British Line Infantry, mounted (mainly) on 40mm square bases, four figures to a base. Figures are from Perry Miniatures.

I've had these figures for a couple of years, and with my move to uni coming up, they, along with some other surplus projects have to go. They are all painted to the standard seen below, dipped and matt varnished to protect the paint. I'm asking £75   (down from £90) for these figures, and I will ship anywhere in the world at cost (from the UK). 

If you're interested, send me an email at:

Payment via Paypal as 'Gift'.

Pictures of each base below:

Colour Party:

NB: the plastic flagpoles were replaced with brass rod ones, and the decorations reattached. They have been left unglued to make shipping easier, and to enable you to choose  a different set of flags if desired.

Grenadier Company base (with sergeant figure):

Centre Company base #1 :

Centre Company base #2 :

Centre Company base #3 :

Centre Company base #4 :

 Centre company base #5 :

 This base is L shaped to accommodate the individually based light company. Being a 30 strong unit, the light company consists of 3 figures, and so this arrangement was chosen.

Centre company base #5 with light company in formation :

Light Company :

Note, since I last posted these figures up for sale in 2011, I have touched up the entire unit, dipped them with Army Painter Strong Tone, matt varnished and completely rebased them. 

Thanks for looking.