Having recently been given the Forgeworld sculpt of Fulgrim as a present (thanks again Ian), I have cleared everything from my schedule to begin working on him.

As you may have noticed, there hasn't been an update on the blog for a while. This is mainly down to it being far too warm to sit in my little man cave painting away. Now the summer is cooling down and I have this awesome model in my hands, the autumn period looks like it will be full of various painting projects that I have lined up, this being the first.

The sculpt itself is absolutely brilliant, so much detail and relatively intuitive to put together. For the sake of painting the model I am planning on leaving the Primarch detached from his base until both are complete before fixing them together.

Only got a couple of shots of this guy so far, as there isn't too much to see on the resin model, but more pictures will follow when the paint starts flowing. So until then, here are the other two pictures I have of him and the base. Thanks for looking!