Today's prize is from Scibor. Love them or hate them, but this guy knows how to sculpt dwarves. Or dwarfs. Depending on which side of the nerd rage coin you fall there.

This is from his Moscal range, and is the Boyar Chief.

The thing with this model is that I wanted to have a few special character models for my Chaos Dwarf army.. however that just never made it too far out of the gate due to well.. mm.. everything? That and BuRock made an awesome CD army is no time, and made me feel in adequate about my skills of painting armies.. to which I went and painted 6 since then and he is still struggling with his latest project... anywho...

This chief of sorts was picked up from my favorite eBay shop, TrollTrader! This guy constantly throws out some great items onto the bid section, and you can pick up some rad deals. Though I had to stop as I was buying way more than I would ever paint, and was just buying things cause they were cheap.. not a good way to buy models.. well.. not always :)

So yeah.. here is Prize #3! SHARE AND ENJOY! And remember the full rules for this contest begins on September 2nd! Stay tuned!