All a-board!!

Inspired by Mr Awdry's gaming board (above), which was in turn inspired by Clint's gaming board, I've decided to create a flexible gaming board to support my games of The Dark Crucible (amongst other things).

In the past I created a Malifaux gaming board, which has been superb and used to death. This time I want something that is much more immersive, realistic and can be swapped out (like Michael's board) for different types of landscape – green fields, snow, desert, lava.

The thing with projects like these – I find – is that you need to map the basics out before you start in order to avoid disaster. In this instance, the basics are the size of the overall board and the individual measurements that will get me there.

I did a drawing…

I sourced 50mm thick blue styrofoam from Antenocitis Worshop, 600mm square for £6.
I bought two… as you do.

One of these would form the basis for my board and, using Michael's frame design, could easily be swapped out. My diagram above shows a proposed frame with corner supports that the foam can sit on. At present the foam is sitting slightly proud of the frame, but given that I intend to carve into it heavily I don't expect it to finish so high. Then again I may add mountains so who knows.

So that's the plan. I just have to gather together wood for the frame and things can get started.
The intention is for these to be the game boards that feature within the final rulebook for The Dark Crucible, so all the stops need to be pulled out!

No pressure then.

Read part 2 here…