Hey all, welcome back to SB40k.  Been a while since I've updated, so I thought I'd at the very least share the un-progress I've made in the last three weeks, starting with the UFO Lord of Change.  After watching the 11th Company live streaming of the Nova Open, I was inspired to do more with the army and this model in particular.

Sure is a mess, isn't it?  You may remember it being an actual space ship with one gun, all put together and domed.  Well, that wasn't good enough for me anymore and I felt it was high time I make it so it could be easily duplicated so I can have Lords of Change and Daemon Princes of Tzeentch should I choose.

This required I first remove the dome at the top, cutting carefully along the edge.  I then removed the brain glued inside and carefully took off the gun you see at the bottom right of the picture above.  The plan is to have multiple guns on each shit, not just the one underslung like before.

I also created a sort of seat for the brain in the cockpit so it can be similar to the tentacles I have on the brain horrors.  When I'm done adding everything I want to this, I'm going to cast each side in rubber molding and duplicate to my hearts content.  Right now this feels like it should be super easy

My other obsession has been the idea of collapse-able terrain.  This is what I have so far, a hut without a roof.  Yeah, I know, not impressive.

What I'd hoped to do with it was make terrain which wouldn't be in my way.  I admit, it folds up easy, but with the paper on the back of the styrofoam it curls and looks sorta funny.  This is very frustrating, and from now on I'll just peel the paper from both sides and save myself some aggravation.

This base is to basically hold the walls in place.

And here are my walls.  Overall they look decent enough and if I find time I'll do more with it to fix what I am unhappy with.

On the Horror front, I've found a resin I like which shouldn't be too expensive and will harden clear and properly.  Now to see if it will look good with red ink mixed in to give it the murky blood look!

Wish me luck, and good luck with your own scratch build/painting projects.