Want a base so good you can eat it, literally?

Furthering my experiments with basing techniques I wanted to create a base that was quick, easy and required no painting whatsoever.

I have in the past already used herbs and black pepper on bases but never together. So I decided to try it out.

I started with a thin plastic card cut to size, it is for my Flames of War Pak40, but can be used for any type of game system.

I painted a layer of PVA glue on each side of the plastic card just to give it a bit more stiffness. Then I primed the base, in this case a grey primer. ( not really required )

Once that was done I painted another layer of PVA glue on one side and using my pepper grinder I ground out the pepper corns over the base until it was covered.

Once that was dry I painted some small areas with PVA again and sprinkled my chosen herbs, Oregano, over the base and let it dry.

The result is pretty damn realistic and no painting required.


Hope you have a go at this as it is super easy and fun.
