No... I did not buy this version

It is only 5 days away from the release of Codex Space Marines: 6th edition and from everything I am reading, the codex is looking very promising.

I am not going to bore you with the most up to date and current rumors, but if you are not familiar with them, the entire codex changes are practically listed out here and here.

Instead, I am going to discuss my thoughts on the most interesting changes and how they are going to impact my army at present.

Warlord Traits: Foremost, I know you don't build your army off of them, but it is worth mentioning that the new Space Marine traits are in line with all of the other codexes, including having a couple of traits which are rather pointless.  Khan gets the Champion of Humanity warlord trait and I never, ever, ever see that coming into play.  Needless to say, depending on how my list looks after the new codex, I am probably going to be rolling on the 40k rulebook charts as they are more interesting for a bike based army.

Chapter Tactics: I was pleasantly surprised when I began reading up on these.  The tactics are a throw back to 3rd edition White Scars which is awesome.  Hell, they even use some of the names from that rule set.   In short, White Scars get: Hit and Run, +1 to Jink cover saves, immune to dangerous terrain, and +1 strength to hammer of wrath attacks.   In regards to the last point, I much would have rather seen +1 hammer of wrath attack as was originally reported, but +1 strength means you can explode a rhino on the charge (before swinging) which is rather awesome.  I am definitely impressed by the new army wide rules.  Though the White Scars rules are dedicated towards bike armies, Salamander's, Iron Warriors, and Raven Guard chapter tactics also compliment bike armies very nicely.  

Kor'sorro Khan: a 55 point decrease (factoring in the bike) and an improved army wide special rule?!?!  Say it isn't so!  If you take Khan now, you have access to scout for every bike unit or are dedicated transports.  As we all know this also opens up outflanking possibilities.  While I don't encourage everyone racing forward as fast as possible in every single game, this pre-game move does allow the army to be very flexible in deployment strategies.  Finally, D3 hammer of wrath impacts (at strength 5) and keeping furious charge is icing on the cake. I am interested to see how his close combat weapon works or if there are any other stat changes. 

Chapter Master:  He definitely received an improvement.  First, if he purchases a bike (Which is 15 points cheaper now), bikes can be unlocked as troops.  Second, he has an additional wound and attack.  Third, his orbital barrage is now an assault weapon instea3d of the quazi I am a heavier then heavy weapon.  Fourth, he can still take artificer armor.  Fifth, he has access to the new Relics.   Therefore, It looks like we have a new beat stick character!  I am interested to see how he stacks up point wise to my current Captain on a bike with artificer armor and power first.  If the points aren't too different, I may be making an upgrade!

Librarian: Well, I knew it was going to happen, but it is still a sad day.  They were brought in line with codex Dark Angels and there are no codex psychic powers.  Bye bye Null Zone and Gate of Infinity.  Perhaps we will still be lucky enough to roll those powers in the match ups were they are needed...

Yay we are finally going to see the table!

Legion of the Damned:  Let's be honest with ourselves no serious minded gamer ever took this unit.  It was arguably the worse unit in the game for a couple years.  However, according to the rumors, the unit has received a massive overhaul which makes them viable.  So they received a 10 point price drop (they used to be 30 points), their special weapons have become cheaper (brought in line with the rest of the codex), kept all of their previous special rules (relentless, 3+ inv save, and accurate deep striking), oh and almost forgot ALL OF THEIR SHOOTING ATTACKS IGNORE COVER.  Given that maximizing cover saves is a new clutch for some builds, I have a feeling this unit will see some love. 

Thunderfire Cannons:  They are the same cost as before and have all of the same rules.  Excellent.

Bike Squadrons:  Just as good as before, but cheaper!  They received a 4 point price cut and you are no longer required to purchase a veteran sergeant.  So if my math is correct, for 3 bikes it should be a base cost of 63 points instead of 90.  Sounds awesome!  Moving on, they also have access to grav guns, which is going to become a new staple in a bike build.  2 relentless grav guns, a combi-grav, melta bomb, and a multi-melta attack bike.  I am calling it right now.  This set up is going to wreck the influx of monstrous creatures which are all over the place and is cheaper then a similar style and sized bike squad with melta guns now. 

Attack Bikes:  More expensive to be brought in line with Dark Angels.  Not going to be too noticeable with all of the other price cuts.  Sadly, they still only have access to heavy bolters and multi-meltas.  At any rate, with scout from Khan, having 3 multi-meltas 12 inches away from any tank is going to be a scary prospect.

Scout Bikes:  I am just going to assume that they can not be troop choices, but who knows.   Scout bikes have received a price cut and a lot of their wargear is cheaper now as well.  So as a distraction unit, they can worth it.  I liked scout bikes before, but the main problem is that they are competing for space in the Fast Attack slot which is all ready dominated by Land Speeders, Attack Bikes, and Storm Talons.  At any rate, here is to hoping they are troop choices!

Land Speeder Typhoons:  I've have moved away from typhoons due to their fragile nature in 6th edition. However, with them being brought in line to a similar cost of Dark Angels, they may be worth taking in codex SM.  In addition, if you utilize the Iron Hands chapter tactics, they get it will not die, which makes them somewhat more survivable.  Play testing is going to be needed.

Stalker: This is actually an interesting anti-air option.  For an estimated 75 points, you get a vehicle which has 4 strength 7 ap 4 twin linked shots with skyfire.  However, there is an alternate mode in which you cut your BS down to 2 and you fire at 2 targets, each with 4 shots.  I am interested to see how this translates exactly, but if it can fire at ground targets at full effect, it may be a really good unit to include into your army.

Devastator Centurions:  The Michelin Man of Space Marines.  The success of this unit solely depends on its pricing.  If this unit turns out to be too expensive, you will never see it.  However, if it is priced right, it seems very very promising.  1) Being able to fire 2 weapons, 2) Relentless, 3) an upgrade for night vision and split fire, 4) Grav Cannons with amps, 5) Chest mounted missile launchers.  In short, this may be another solution to heavy MC based armies however it can also put out a staggering amount of anti-infantry fire power.  It will be interesting to see what it is exactly.

You know it is true!
In closing, once again, it appears as if this codex is going to follow the trend of all the other 6th edition codexes (minus daemons).  1) It is practically the same as the previous codex, 2) Minor tweeks to points costs and special rules, 3) a few new additions to mix up lists, 4) maintaining balance throughout all of the books.  Yes that last point is correct.  In rock, paper, scissors, this codex ensures balance will remain in the codexes.

Bring on the new codex!