Well the repairs are done.. the paint has dried.. and Alice now sits behind an inch of plexiglass on a shelf made for showcase models. Too bad she is alone among the riff raff that sits there currently.

I really had a lot of fun with this model, and played around with a lot of different things on it. I have tried the light vs dark contrast, the color contrasts, and the temperature contrasts.. Lots of new ways in which to think about painting, and how to apply those colors and paints to the models.

Also there was the scene itself. The thought process was simple for it, but hard to execute actually. Cause I really wanted the scene to have the floating bricks, but also to have the steampunk vibe for it.

Originally the socket was more just 2 levels of a cobblestone walkway.. with stonework between it, and the floating bricks off to one side.. but my ability to sculpt stonework failed, and that was quickly dismissed. But then I was rummaging through my bits box, and found some pipes and cylinders.. and the gears in my mind went into overdrive. Plus seeing the original box art over at Guild of Harmony helped push me there. What with they standing on mini tables and platforms. So I used that as a springboard for the top level here. A single pillar to hole up the base, and by which I could begin to spread them out!

The biggest piece of help to make this project work though was the Super Glue Accelerator from Pk-Pro! Without it, I do not think I would have had the patience to make the bricks work as they did for the top level. Applied a bit of accelerator on one piece, and super glue on the other.. and BAM! instant hold! Really made this project come together.

From here, it was just basics from MV Beginners workshop on added sand, dirt, twigs, blah blah to the base, and priming it. Took some of Ben's work from his basing video off of Miniature Mentor for the bricks ( though did NOT achieve the same effect unfortunately.. ), and I was more or less finished.

When it came to Alice, I can only give credit where credit is due. Brushbrothers forums, and their members. Sleipnir, Nathelis, Denny Crane, Serafin, and Zab who have been following it from the beginning and providing some insights on where to fix, what to update, and where to add more colors. I really believe that without their constant feedback, nagging, and pestering.. this project would not have been as awesome as it turned out to be!

There are still a few pieces on the socket that I wish I could have done better with.. such as the foliage aspects. But the pieces I wanted to use are stuck in Berlin at the moment.

No biggie really. As Alice came out the best out of all the miniatures I have painted. And the blue on her dress was the most I have ever spent on a single aspect of a model! Ever! More so considering how tiny the model is, and how detailed it is also.

So it is finished, and now the contest continues. Voting for the contest will occur soon enough, and I have high hopes that it will do well. Will see though of course!

Still working on how to take better photos of the model however, so that I can really show off the colors and work done on it. And then will post it up to P&P site and see what the community says about it!

Don't forget that you can win some cool miniatures due to my hitting some arbitrary number of views! Check out this post, and sign up to win!