Hi one and all,

Just a  quick post updating my current WIP Master of the Forge on a Jetbike,

I've slowly painted the model, having opted for the more traditional 'red' for the techmarine instead of a blue/red combination, I've also gone for a blue jet bike, as I feel the look of the model would be too 'blood angels' if it was completed red!

I am also currently re-doing my power weapons to either bright red, or blue- thus the Master of the Forge's axe is red, with highlights using the new orange edge paint. The conversion beamer has been given a bright blue appearance, the hope is that this blue will be visible through the covering pieces.

 The one area of the model I haven't really looked at yet is the base- whether to use the 'flying base' or to build an appropriate stand for it.. any suggestions would be appreciated!

 thanks for looking..