So my ramblings today start with a title that really sounds like some sort of 60's evil scheme by a super villain on a remote island in a volcano. That description sounds a million times better than what this project is actually about.

As per usual, I have left my painting of my army to the last minute, but its not as bad as what usually happens. In fact over the years I seem to be slowly getting better and better. When I went to my first tournament (which was probably over 12 years ago), I was playing Blood Bowl and for some reason I left my painting to the last minute (laziness I think). What happened was, that I went out drinking with some friends the night before the tournament, before suddenly remembering that I had to paint my Orc Blood Bowl team! Somehow I managed to get it done in the nick of time and had a good time playing Blood Bowl all weekend.

Since then, I have been managing to start painting earlier and earlier, until I've managed to get to the stage where I've been trying to get things done months before the event. Unfortunately I haven't got anything finished and now with three weeks to go, I have to get my army assembled and painted. Having been in this position before many times, I'm not as worried as you might thing and I'm quite looking forward to the challenge (which is why I suspect I leave things to the last minute.). So I've decided to keep a mini blog (on my blog) to keep track of what I'm doing.

So with any project like this I have my set of rules/guidelines I try and stick to, otherwise things would be come difficult and frustrating. I covered this in a earlier entry (1st Quarter Round Up and Speed Painting) and they are a set of rules that have helped me well over the years.

So the first important thing is, what will I be painting. After some grumbling off me being bored with Daemons, I've gone back to them with open arms and I'm quite excited about starting a new army of them. With Call to War going with the 3rd Draft of the ETC Comp rules, I'm fairly happy that I can come up with a competitive but not cookie cutter list (and to be frank the first ETC draft basically forced you to go one way if you wanted to be competitive). I have a army planned out, which I'm 90% happy with and I've got the rest of this week to finalize the list before it needs to be submitted. I also have most of the models I need and I shall be making a start on them tonight. My plan is to get as much assembled this week and then I have next week to finish painting things (and as I have booked next week off work, I shouldn't be that rushed). So my cunning plan for this painting project is as follows....

Week 1 (16th April to 22nd April)
Assemble as much of my Daemon army as possible and finalize army list

Week 2 (23rd April to 29th April)
Paint the Army and hopefully have a couple of games

Week 3 (30th April to 3rd May)
Emergency Days in case things spill over

I have about 90-100 models to get done and get some Movement Trays finished and assuming that I don't get distracted I'm very confident that this will be done in time for the event. I'm even planning on doing a couple of extra units if I have the time to allow me some flexibility when it comes to my games in the future.