So I am beginning to get back to the Project UK pile of lead, resin and plastic crack!

I have touched upon the Chaos Chosen from the DV boxset, but they are waiting for bases so will show them later.

These 3 ladies I painted up on Sunday evening while watching Inglorious Bastards. Didn't finish the film, but finished these ladies quickly enough. All are only basic TableTop quality, as is the need for these girls. But I tried to incorporate some of the tricks I have learned to them also.

The top photos show a commando sporting some Oak Leaf Camo and German Dark Grey armor sections.

Below is a sniper in the Catachan color schemes of before. Gave her some brown armor pieces to help break up the colors a bit.

Both of these models are from Infinity I believe. I say this as they both had a few pieces to do up on them, and were quite tiny to paint up.

Last of the ladies is from Privateer Press.. she seems to be a mechanic of sorts.. what with all the tools on her belt and apron. But that is just my assumption, you can all take guesses at what her day job really is for yourself.

For her, the idea was that she has a tan/khaki color.. but I added the green shirt to give it a military feel. The mechanical arm on her shoulder was just done up with some drybrushing and washes. I think it came out nicely in the end. And since she seems to be a buff, take no attitude from others kind of lady.. she of course got redhair. I can see her chasing the other "men" mechanics out of her garage and giving them a "what for" kinda kick if required.

Great little gems.. really fun.. and below is a shot of one of the chosen sans basing..

He will also get a cityfight styled base in grey.. but with some cork thrown in to make him a bit taller/bigger. So expect some more photos of these guys soon.. but I have to finish their champion, leaders, and characters to go with these chosen models. Will be a bit still.

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