Better late than never! Even though the tournament was a week ago, it is still important to have a debrief. SO! Let's get into it!

This was a team tournament held in Sydney. Almost like a mini ATC/ETC type format. 3 players per team, no repeat codexes and 1850 points each. I was teamed up with Warzones own TommyH and a Canberra ring in by the name of Reshy.

TommyH (Champion): Dark Angels + Tau.
CrAzY424: Eldar.
Reshy: Necrons + Chaos Space Marines.

The format was that each round we were paired up against another team. Both champions would face off and then the other two matches would be randomised. TommyH was a legend and stepped up to face some of the states top players and It paid off! In the end we came second! Yeah!

Check out the score sheets here (thanks to Kirby):

My list was very simple. 4 Wave Serpents, 3 Wraithknights, farseer, Autarch and 6 bikes. I ended up getting best general as the list was so OP that it tabled everyone of my opponents. Great credit to all the guys I played, it was good fun and I hope I wasn't too much of a meta-douche.