I've been busy back at the painting table the last week. The Orc Boys are getting some special attention. Also, I hope to start a new theme on my blog- Miniature Monday.  It goes like this- I don't like some of the things social media gives us. However, I've been enjoying the trend of #MiniatureMonday on Twitter. Its been fun seeing all of the painters out there from all the genres. So join the crowd, post a MiniatureMonday picture! (links were above, give it a go).

Below is the 40 strong unit of boys just waiting to get completed. Oh, how I love the new WFB!
Anyway, the painting has been broken down into manageable groups of 6-8 models at a time. I like this method because it would be impossible to do them all at once (obviously). However, it is a bit frustrating to see how your painting technique and colors used subtly (and not so subtly) change over the course of a few weeks painting the same squad.
I'll let you all see the subtle changes as they occur.

Looking good. I'm in the grove and will be done in no time!

Oh crap! There is how many more to paint! Aghhh! :)