Another year down and blimey it's been an action-packed one on reflection! I haven't really managed to paint a huge quantity of models but I feel that the quality of what I have completed has improved on the previous year. Here's a quick look at some of my highlights...

On the blog front I managed 91 posts which isn't too bad, there were some failed attempts at regular features, but the white dwarf reviews continued along with my hobby 'progress'.

I just checked and last January I didn't actually make any new years resolutions so I'm going to set some out here for 2013.

1. Write 100 posts! That breaks down to two per week and should be manageable. I'll be trying to continue with my weekly updates and monthly WD articles so this leaves space for random thoughts and things along the way.

2. Paint more! I'm setting a target of 50 painting points for this year. A single miniature counts as 1pt and tanks/flyers/terrain count as 2pts. On paper this doesn't sound like too much, in practice I think it'll be a close call.

3. Finish Dreadfleet. This ties in with resolution #2 but I really need to do something with this great game.

4. Paint more than I buy! This one is going to be the hardest to achieve. I'm the first to hold my hands up and admit I'm an addict, but I'm slowly getting fed up with playing with unpainted models. In a months time my girlfriend and I are hopefully moving to a bigger place and I've been promised a mancave. The plan is the have a gaming table set up permanently and filled with fully painted terrain, so I can't have my army letting the side down.

So there we have it, 4 goals, 12 months, I can do it! Hope you all have a fantastic year, what resolutions have you made?