So many things pop to my mind, that I could write. I'll try to make it short. It's female because a howling banshee exarch was used for the ritual, and i think that wont magically transform the avatar into a male, and because it's my army, we play by my rules! (otherwise I like kick ass lady characters over male ones) So it's a Female Avatar!

Now the thing that I really like about this figure is the lava. For a first try it looks fairly ok. So I'm happy with it. The only tip I could give about this is to first paint everything up, and do the effect after that. Otherwise it's a quick paint job like the rest of my eldar.

The conversion? cut off the nose, and slap on something that looks like a face mask (just do a better job than me) and make the breast the same way as you would for other quick female conversions. Just don't go overboard. As the avatars body is made up of molten lava, you could get away with some errors. (while this isn't the right mentality, if you suck at GS work like me, feel free to use this excuse) I also made the hair sit on top of the helmet directly, it looks better this way.