I'm painting the chaos part of the new starter set for a friend. I really like this one, so if we end up not using it, there is a strong lure for me to have a chaos army, maybe a khronate wolf pack using a similar scheme...
Where was I. Yes. So all started with me finding a picture, as what do you do on the internet if not looking for 40k pictures? (I need some talk)
I found this picture, and while the bald imperial chick with a chainsword could make it to reality as a priest for an imperial army one day. I really liked the chaos marine. I mean it's dark, menacing, and glowing red, how much evil can you get?
So after a little talk, we settled that I will try to paint something similar. I went with an overall dark feel, so dark metal armor (silver mixed with black), dark cloth pieces, and dark shoulder gremlins, with the orange-red glowing. I like it, but that's not important here, we'll see what he thinks.
Otherwise it's quick airbrush work, with some minor deatliling.