I should have not watched the new Dredd movie (but it was awesome) but thanks to it, and some unexpectedly high amount of luck, I throw a spin on my idea to expand with sisters.

Originally I wanted to have a squad of elite guardsmen as allies mostly as cheaper objective holders/grabbers, now that changed. I managed to get my hands on 10 Adeptus Arbites figures (right now I have only 5 in my possession). And so that's why I will have a squad of Arbites (Veteran Guardsmen with carapace and shotguns, with some thrown in grenade launcher) to mow down heretics with my sisters, as the two is known to work with each other (If I'm correct, and know it right)

As for painting, I will use this image as a base.

I will start working on these as soon as I get the other half. Until than, more commission work to do and keep you entertained.