The video:

The entry page:

And all the stuff I forgot to mention:
I'll be buying the classic FPS Freeks. If you want them upgraded you can pay the difference for their newer products. Shipping is free in the US, and international winners will just need to pay the difference from what I'd pay to ship in the states. I'll use to draw the winner and (hopefully) find a fun way to do the announcement video.

If you play FPS games, you want one of these. They feel very weird at first, but they are one of those things you can't do without once you've used them.

See you tomorrow!

Remember to follow me on Facebook! I'm doing a blog post every single day for 2013, and Facebook is a great way to stay up-to-date as well as take part in my monthly giveaways. This month's giveaway is for a set of Original FPS Freeks!