Looks like 'Winter' really is coming.....

The 'Children of December' box contains enough parts for six miniatures...namely Rasputina, her Totem Wendigo (3SS), Ice Golem (10SS) and three Ice Gamin (4SS each). It also contains stat cards for each one and six upgrade cards four of which are for Rasputina (One is 'limited' but one of the generic ones can be taken by her and is also 'limited' so you have to pick one or the other) and two generic ones that can be given to any model with the 'Frozen Heart' ability.

This makes the Soulstone value of the box...Rasputina (0), Wendigo (3), Ice Golem (10), Ice Gamin (4, 4, 4) Total (25) or (29) with a maximum Soulstone cache and (36) with maximum 'out of the box' upgrades on top of a maximum cache (presuming you take the most expensive upgrades)

The box has four sprues (as well as an inexplicably loose rock) in it as well as the aforementioned cards...

Lets have a look at each of these in turn...should there be any assembly issues with any of the models then they will be listed in the appropriate section and you can view larger versions of the smaller pictures by clicking on them. Several of the models share a sprue so we'll cover some of the models as groups.

Note - These are my partners Rasputina crew rather than mine so they have somewhat fancier bases than mine would have had, lol.

Rasputina and Wendigo

The Sprue

Stat Card

Upgrade Cards


Ice Golem.

The Sprue
This guy comes on two sprues and has an extra rock floating around in the box. After assembly you'll end up with one spare rock (the one on the sprue strangely enough) that doesn't appear to go anywhere...nobody I know with this kit has figured it out yet either...just use it on one of the bases. Citizen_W of the Hobbynomicon is under the impression that as this is a pre-release version that they are going to address this issue and alter it when it comes out 'officially' ...he's usually correct about such things...

Sprue 1

Sprue 2

Stat Card

These upgrades will undoubtedly apply to other models available to Rasputina but as we're just covering the starter box then we'll put the upgrades with the only model in the crew (other than Rasputina herself) that can take them.


Ice Gamin.

The Sprue

Stat Cards
The backs are identical so I've only bothered to show that view the once.

The only issue with assembling these models is that they're quite small. A pair of tweezers might come in handy.

Thoughts and comments are (as usual) most welcome.