Hey guys!

Sorry for the lack of blog posts lately, my busy schedule seems to favor a more rapid fire style like Facebook and Twitter, so I've been neglecting the blog lately! That'll have to change, and I've got some ideas to increase posts here, so stay tuned!

Anyways, I was out of town for a week visiting my girlfriend (more on that at the end of the post), but I got home and started right on some terrain for a nearby hobby shop. Lots of terrain for their shop, the entire commission should be done on Saturday, so keep an eye open for that! Here's some sneak peeks at what I've gotten done so far.


A Space Marine Statue isn't complete without a little vandalism. Whoever this 'SLW!' guy is, he sounds like trouble!

The commission also included a set of Battlefield Terrain; a kit I haven't done in forever! I've been playing with the waterslides on these, they really add much needed detail to some of this terrain.

  Hooray for Moonscapes! Always easy to paint, always look good. Not much to say here!

 The first of 4 buildings for the commission. There's one of each CoD building, as well as a Shrine to the Aquila. All should paint up nice and quick, but there's enough detail on these things to really add some personality to each building.

 A quicky project, I've had him floating around my desk for a while. I love putting him in WIP building pictures, so its nice to finally sit down and finish him up. You can't really see it, but on the left shoulder, he's rocking the SLW tattoo. Now that's dedication!
Patrick Stump and Pete Wentz performing 'This Ain't a Scene, Its an Arms Race'!

 Last week, I drove up to Boulder to visit my girlfriend and see a Fall Out Boy/Panic! At the Disco concert. Driving up there was nuts, as I somehow managed to drive through all that crazy flooding Colorado's been getting the last week or so, which is always fun. While up there, we hit up the Denver Zoo, the Museum, and the Miniatures Museum (All of which you'd know already if you followed the Facebook page!).

Alrighty! That's all I've got right now for all y'all. The terrain should all be done by Friday night or Saturday morning, which opens up more terrain and some more High Elf work to be done. Following that should be Necrons and Orks, though my roommate and I picked up Diablo III (Demon Hunter ftw!), so that's been distracting! I'm also planning on some updates on the blog here soon, so stay tuned folks!
