After a short little trip over to Berlin for a couple of days, I am back, and right in time for the second BAM class from the Massive Voodoo boys, Roman and Raffa.

But, since this is my second class ( OK, so what if first one was just last weekend! ), I get the chance to paint something other than Brekk. So I choose this guy. This is him after most of the flash, holes, and what nots were fixed, and he was primed up 2k style.

And somewhere around 2am this is what he looked like..

Kinda, sorta a bit of work done on it.. but now the fun really begins as the airbrush work is finished, and we tackle the rest with a brush. Why Airbrush... well.. see if you can find the model online, see how large it is, and then come back and comment about it :)

And thanks to Heiko from the WuDao school of Kung Fu, this Dwarf will have a really cool socket/stand to sit on! Whoo hoo!!! But more on that laters. Will link to it all next week ( or so ) once I have more colors put on it..

Now to work on it a bit more while we wait for the rest of the students to show up!