In a follow up to my last post regarding the importance, or lack thereof, of troop choices, I took the time to make another gaming aid I would share.

I recently attended a tournament and found I am not the only player that consistently forgets to roll for night fight.

I even ran into a couple players at the top tables that did not realize the roll for table side is separate from the first turn/deployment roll.

This got me thinking on making another aid, as the GW game summary is a little lacking as it does not include one  very important roll.....NIGHT FIGHT.

Then I also felt I needed to include some in game rolls as well and came up with the following:


There are some important sequence issues listed here that can drastically change the outcome of your game if you are not familiar with them.

The choice of table side, later followed by the Night Fight roll PRIOR to your roll for deployment/1st turn is particularly crucial.

Thanks for the read and hope you find it helpful,