Getting ready to head out to AFK Hobbies in Holt Michigan for an 1850 40k tournament.

I did not get too much input on the lists I posted, but that is how it goes.

This is the list I will be taking today; Code Name "Hey, It's All Painted!"

Terminator Sorcerer w/Mark of Tzeentch, scrolls of Magnus, combi plas, spell familiar, Level 3, Force Axe
8 Thousand Sons, including sorcerer (Troop)

**So, yeah, I want to have some fun with psychic powers today. 6 rolls pregame and a roll each turn. My psychic powers/buff/defuffs will be akin to a large 40k Sudoku puzzle I will be challenged to use effectively.

6 Plague Marines and Champion, power fist, 2 plasma guns(Troops)
12 Chaos Marines, plasma gun, heavy bolter,champ is bare(Troops}
14 Zombies...Oh Yeah! gotta have zombies.(Troops)

So variety of troops and weapon choices to remain flexible, etc.

5 Chaos Spawn with Mark of these guys, almost took two units
2 Oblits, Mark of Nurgle
1 Oblit, Mark of Nurgle
Aegis Defense Line with Quad Gun

So, basics of the list:

With two strong sorcerers, one with ability to reroll psychic tests, I want to score on some big debuffs to control assaults and pin/control shooting as much as possible.

The ADL (Aegis Defense Line) let's me hide for 4+ invul or go to ground for 2+ invul on CSM and Oblits. Oblits can also benefit from going to ground if need be as they are no longer fearless.

Defiler was iffy, almost changed him out for 5 more Nurgle Spawn and hope I don't regret that...but he will hunker down with all his special rules and 4+ invul from ADL.

Zombies, Typhus, Plague Marines, Spawn can all push forward with psychic support.

The list is a mish mash but it is all nicely painted. I painted up the 14 zombies and ADL last night and first time for me using either.

Right, so off we go. Thanks for the read,