My work week and lifting schedule has slowed down my hobby efforts and blog entries...

But I thought I would throw up a couple more lists from the Chaos Marine Codex as I mull over it contents.

1. How to make use of my painted models
2. How will people break the codex
3. What looks fun to play.

"Fun with Torrent, at Least for Me!":

Abaddon 265
5 Chosen, AC, PG, MG,FL 130
5 Chosen, AC, PG, MG, FL 130
5 Chosen, AC, PG, MG, FL 130
5 Chosen, AC, PG, MG 125
5 Chosen, AC, PG, MG 125
10 cultists 50
HelDrake w/Bale Flamer 170
HelDrake w/Bale Flamer 170
HelDrake w/Bale Flamer 170
Aegis defense Line w/quad gun 100
5 Havoc 2 auto cann, 2 flakk 145
5 Havoc 2 auto cann, 2 flakk 145
5 Havoc 2 auto cann, 2 flakk 145
Total Points 2000

It is a spam list. But, it is something I have been pondering how to beat if I were to face it in a tournament. The cultists man the quad gun. The flamers were added because I had 15 points left could just as easily add Vet to the havocs for +1 leadership. The melta guns exist to deal with heavy armor if need be. Abaddon is your counter attacker, adds preferred enemy, and chosen as troops. Guns de-mech everyone...Drakes Torrent with S6 AP3 flamers...Flakk is expensive but 4 units to deal with flyers and whatever else. List takes on Hordes, flyers, MSU, etc. 6 Troops for objectives.

I might just build this army as it can be mostly new models....Chosen from DV, HelDrake, FineCast Abaddon, cultists from DV.

"Hey, it's generic and all painted!"

Lord,JP,MoN, Black Mace, Sigil, vet 170
Lord,Death Axe, MoK, Sigil,vet 140

10 CSM 2 melta, Chmp mb/pwr wpn, vet 190
10 CSm AC, PG, Chmp mb/pwr wpn, vet 195
5 PM' 2 PG, Chmp, vet 155
6 PM 2 FL, Chmp,vet,mb 165
9 Zerks, PP, Chmp (pwr wpn/mb), vet, icon, Rhino 275
3 Oblits, MoN 228
Defiler 195
4 Spawn MoN 144
4 Spawn MoN 144

Total Points2001

Mostly like the title says. Generic but fun to play with and against. Lotta troops, not enough shooting, but would feel just fine breaking this out in a friendly game.

Thanks for the read,